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Tales From Home

Short stories, prose, and comments jotted down on an occasional basis

Location: Warrington, United Kingdom

Friday, June 09, 2006

Notes for 'Back Home'

With the World Cup now started I guess it was time for a bit bandwagon jumping.

In my defence I have to say that the original story goes back a couple of years to an idea of two people stuck in car listening to a football match on the radio even though they supported opposite teams. That story was planned to be a script for a radio competition (which I never entered) which explains why there is a lot of dialogue in 'Back Home'.

In fact 'Back Home' is the longest story I've put up here and in fact could have been even longer if I'd done the full story I planned (lots more delays and lots more people involved originally). I may go back and do the full version one day as, like everything else here, these are just drafts and not the finished article.

Oh, and if anyone cares, the title 'Back Home' refers to the England World Cup Squad song of the same name from the 70's.


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